Request Access Communication

An email template for new clients to gain access to marketing platforms.

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Email Template: 

We are requesting access from {CLIENT} for the following:

  1. Google Analytics (Admin for {ACCOUNT MANAGER} & {ANALYST})
  2. Google Tag Manager (Admin to production website container for {ACCOUNT MANAGER} & {ANALYST})
  3. Google Search Console (Full User for both {ACCOUNT MANAGER} & {ANALYST})
  4. Google Ads (Admin for both {ACCOUNT MANAGER} & {ANALYST})
  5. Facebook (Partner for {AGENCY})

In the event that you don't have an account set-up with one or more of the platforms above, we can assist with set-up. We will set-up a new gmail account for this purpose, or can use an existing Gmail account for your organization. This will ensure you maintain ultimate control over any new platforms that are established.


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  1. Decide what platforms we need access to as dictated by contract and existing analytics set-up
  2. Requests for access communicated to client
  3. Phone call scheduled to walk through and complete analytics on-boarding process