Configuration for GTM installed on a new site
- Open the {CLIENT} Google Tag Manager container. Click on the Admin Tab and select Install Google Tag Manger from the Container column
- On the Install Google Tag Manager screen, copy the first code snippet (<head> snippet). Paste this code snippet into the Custom Code > Head Code.
- On the Install Google Tag Manager screen, copy the second code snippet (<body> snippet). Paste this code snippet into the Custom Code > Body Code.
- Download our custom JSON file
- In Google Tag Manager, select Import Container under the Container column on the Admin screen.
- Click on the Choose container file button, and select the JSON file downloaded in the previous step.
- Under Choose workspace, click on Existing and select Default Workspace.
- Under Choose and import option, select Merge + Overwrite conflicting tags, triggers and variables. Click Confirm.
- Under the Workspace tab, select Variables.
- Scroll down to the User-Defined Variables section, and click on GA Tracking ID. Under Value, replace {CLIENT GA TRACKING ID} with the client's Google Analytics Tracking ID (correct format: UA-XXXXXXXX-Y ). Click Save.
- Click on Google Optimize - CLIENT Container Snippet. In the variable name, replace CLIENT with the client's name. Under Value, replace {CLIENT OPTIMIZE CONTAINER ID} with the client's Optimize Container ID (correct format: GTM-XXXXXXX ). Click Save.
- Under the Workspace tab, select Triggers.
- Click on LEAD GEN FORM - Successful Submission. In the trigger name, replace LEAD GEN FORM with the lead form that you are tracking (quote request, e.g.). Click on the Trigger Configuration box, and replace the wf-form-LEAD-GEN field with the form id of the lead gen form you're tracking. Click Save.
- Repeat the previous step as necessary to account for all lead generation forms we're tracking on the client's website.
- Click on Contact Form - Successful Submission. Click on the Trigger Configuration, and replace the wf-form-CONTACT-FORM with with form id of the contact form you're tracking. Click Save.
- Under the Workspace tab, select Tags.
- Click on GA - Event - LEAD GEN FORM. In the tag name, replace LEAD GEN FORM with the lead form that you're tracking. Click on the Tag Configuration box, and replace {NAME OF LEAD GEN FORM} with the same lead gen form name used in the tag name. Confirm that the firing trigger matches the tag (tag: GA - Event - Quote Request + trigger: Quote Request - Successful Submission, e.g.)
- Repeat the previous step as necessary to account for all lead generation forms we're tracking on the client's website.
- With events now set-up for form submissions, create corresponding goals in Google Analytics. Open the {CLIENT} - Master View in Google Analytics.
- Under the View column in Admin settings, select Goals. Click + New Goal.
- Under Goal setup, select Custom. Click Continue. For name, use a consistent format throughout all similar goals--consider the format "Form Submission - Demo Request", for example. For Type, select Event. Click Continue.
- Under Goal details, the Category, Action, and Label fields need to match the corresponding fields from the Tag in Google Tag Manager. (Ex: the Category, Action, and Label for the GA - Event - Contact Form Tag in GTM will match the Category, Action, and Label fields for the Form Submission - Contact goal in GA). Click Save.
- Repeat the previous three steps until all events that we want to track as goals are accounted for. As a general rule, we create goals for all Form Submission tags in Google Tag Manager.
- Update the {CLIENT} Form Tracking Map with all of the goals and tags that you have created up to this point.
- Submit a form to test the Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics Conversion Goal set-up
Review of Existing Google Tag Manager Accounts
- In order to test existing Google Tag Manager set-ups, use both the Tag Assistant Chrome extension as well as the Preview Mode in Google Tag Manager
- Load the {CLIENT} site in a Chrome browser. Click on the Tag Assistant icon in the browser toolbar, and click Enable.
- Refresh the page, and click on the Tag Assistant icon again after the page reloads. Review the list under Result of Tag Analysis. The tag icon next to the Google Tag Manager row should be green. The first entry for Google Analytics will show a blue icon. Click on the Google Analytics row to bring up more details for this tag. Confirm that you see a single Pageview Request listed. The note about Non-standard implementation is expected when the Google Analytics pageview tag is deployed through Google Tag Manager. This is due to the fact that the Tag Assistant "hears" a Pageview Request, but can't actually see the GA Pageview Tag in the page's code, because it's contained within and deployed by Google Tag Manager.
- After confirming core functionality of tags using Tag Assistant, use the Preview mode in Google Tag Manager to confirm that each individual tag is functioning properly.
- Open the {CLIENT} Google Tag Manger account, and ensure you are in the primary workspace (likely called "Default Workspace") . At the top of the screen, click the Preview button. Open the {CLIENT} site in a new tab.
- For all event based goals in Google Analytics, test the functionality of the associated tag using the Preview mode. For example, if there is an event based form submission goal in Google Analytics, submit the form on the client's website, confirming that the associated form tracking tag is firing using the Preview tool.
Additional Resources